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Test 2 - Technique I to establish CPB


Using 4 litres heparinised venous blood and a calculated quantity of H2O2 in HALS

  • Circulation time = 31 secs. This can be reduced to 20 secs
  • The overflow at 70mmHg constitutes a safety valve for the patient.
  • Not one single tiny bubble of air enters the "Arterial Blood" Circuit.
  • The Perfusion Pressure 40-65mmHg and the Perfusion Rate 4-12L/min can easily be regulated.
  • It was planned that during the first 31 secs, the breakdown of H2O2 into H2O + O2 was to be accelerated to give blood as saturated as possible to the dying patient as from the 32nd second however this resulting inevitably in important foaming taking place. If need be, this foaming can be eliminated completely by appropriate modifications in the H2O2 oxygenating block in the "HALS".
  • A sample of blood after 10 mins of circulation was taken
  • Results : 2 samples were taken at the start of the test and after 10 mins of the test both samples were fed into I-Stat ABG machine but unfortunately the machine did not give any result at all for the oxygenated sample.
    A photo of the 2 above cartridges, side by side, is shown to demonstrate that good oxygenation of the venous blood has indeed taken place.Istat

Ideal Heart Lung Machine - Test 2 Videos

Ideal Heart Lung Machine - Test 2 - Part I (Duration : 57 secs)

Ideal Heart Lung Machine - Test 2 - Part II (Duration : 30 secs)

Ideal Heart Lung Machine - Test 2 - Part III (Duration : 35 secs)


Our Achievements

  • The Ideal Heart Lung Machine
  • Ihlm The Ideal Heart Lung Machine is the conclusion of the most fascinating history of Oxygenating Pumping Systems which started 2 centuries ago with Le Gallois in 1812.

  • Protocols to improve or cure very quickly some common diseases
  • PsoriasisPsoriasisIIVery severe gastroenteritis, bronchitis, extreme or very severe burns, very severe bronchial asthma.

    Some auto immune diseases such as psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and SLE(1 case only). I have planned, for a start, to apply a New Rhumatoid Arthritis Treatment Protocol and a New Psoriasis Treatment Protocol as soon as possible to patients suffering from RA including also RA patients who have not responded to DMARDs (Mauritius and abroad) and to Biologics Treatment Protocols (abroad).
    The reason that I obtained much better results than other medical practitioners is that I have taken into consideration 2 most important aspects of the pathophysiologies of these diseases.

Quick Insights

  • ihlm road-to
  • Echo-Ecmo
  • Everest


  • Le Gallois Prediction

If one could substitute for the heart a kind of injection of artificial blood either naturally or artificially made, one could succeed in maintaining alive indefinitely any part of the body whatsoever.